Power of Positivity

Have you ever let so much junk build up in your life that you chose to verbally vomit on some unknowing recipient? (Sounds pretty awful, right!) Or, have you been the recipient of someone’s junk being unloaded on you? Neither is a great feeling and afterward, you never feel better. More than likely, you feel worse. I think that we have all been in one of these situations at some point in our life, so we can all relate. Every day that we wake up, we must consciously choose our attitude, so we better make sure and choose wisely or it can affect us for the rest of the day…as well as many around us. It’s so easy to be positive when everything throughout our day is running smoothly. But, when it begins to get a little bumpy it’s not as easy. This is when we really need to focus and check our attitude.
No one else is in charge of the way that you react to situations…only YOU are. Just like the video says, “It’s 10% how you make it and 90% how you take it!!” I know that you’ve all heard the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” There is some serious power in positive thinking. Can you imagine how your life could turn around with a simple attitude adjustment? You’d feel more empowered with the things you set your mind to, and allow yourself more of a “can-do” attitude! You could possibly be able to overcome challenges with more ease and less stress. You might even be able to enjoy more of the simple joys of life because you’re no longer worried about the little things that used to rub you the wrong way. Sounds pretty amazing…much more delightful than being a trash truck. And guess what? When you focus on positivity, you’re actually attracting more positive experiences, and hopefully reducing negative ones.
So, let’s choose to let today be the day where we focus more on positive thinking. Let’s no longer be trash trucks.