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Maybe you are one to indulge on Turkey Day or maybe you are the one that doesn’t eat all day until the Thanksgiving Feast. Perhaps you still manage to eat balanced and healthier versions of traditional Thanksgiving dishes, but the stress of preparation and family get together’s drains your energy. Whatever style of Thanksgiving you celebrate, “pre-toxxing” the week before could give your body the extra boost to survive the day and enjoy the holiday. Did you know, the average American consumes 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving day! On top of the caloric overload, much of the diet on this day contains starches, sugars, dairy, and processed food. Give your body a boost before Thanksgiving so you can avoid a turkey-coma or feel guilty for indulging with that extra piece of the pie.

 Eat Clean The Week Before Thanksgiving
  • Eat balanced meals 
  • Avoid skipping meals
  • Focus on whole foods rather than processed foods
  • Vegetables, protein, and healthy oils should be in all meals
Aim for More Exercise
  • Try to get at least 30 minutes of active exercise each day to increase blood flow and energy levels
  • Be sure to do cardio exercise to get your heart pumping
  • Exercise increases circulation and good circulation during the feast will help in avoiding a turkey-coma!
Stay Hydrated!
  • This cannot be emphasized enough! Stay hydrated! Proper hydration will allow toxins to properly be eliminated from the body and avoid not feeling well if you eat or drink too much.
  • Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily
  • Drink a full glass of water upon rising. Add a splash of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to maximize detoxifying benefits!
Go Outside Every Day
  • Try to go outside every day before the holiday
  • Sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, which will protect your body from illness
  • Touching your bare feet or body to the earth can reduce inflammation and balance positive and negative ions we are exposed to daily
Boost Your Immune System
  • Stress, overeating, alcohol, and being in a house full of people increase the chance of contracting an illness. Try supplementing with vitamin C and Vitamin D the week before Thanksgiving.
  • Diffuse antibacterial and immune-boosting essential oils such as doTerra’s OnGuard or citrus oils
  • Get as much rest and sleep as possible to allow healing to take place in your body

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